Erlend fjįrfesting

Ķ sumum löndum eru sett fram markmiš til lengri tķma um erlenda fjįrfestingu. Žau markmiš eru kynnt hagsmunaašilum į skżran hįtt og reynt er aš hrinda žeim ķ framkvęmd. Markmišiš er aš styrkja innviši viškomandi samfélags og er litiš svo į aš samstarf og samvinna śt fyrir landsteinana sé betur til žess fallin en haftastefna og einangrun.

Hér aš nešan eru tvö dęmi um žaš hvernig hęgt er aš koma skżrum skilabošum į framfęri. Annaš dęmiš er raunverulegt en hitt er tilbśningur.


Doing business in Iceland.

In keeping with the goals enunciated in its National Vision 2030, Iceland has worked to shift its economic and developmental focus away from a reliance on fish and electricity production for aluminum plants by promoting a policy of economic diversification as evidenced by the now internationally recognized brands of Icelandair and Iceland Seafood, and its successful  music festival Iceland Airwaves. Recognizing that the participation of non-Icelandic investors is an integral part of the successful realization of this policy, Iceland continues to implement new legislation aimed at liberalizing the business environment for such investors, and introducing incentives and exemptions that supplements the country’s already considerable investment appeal.


Doing business in Qatar

In keeping with the goals enunciated in its National Vision 2030, Qatar has worked to shift its economic and developmental focus away from a reliance on oil and gas by promoting a policy of economic diversification as evidenced by the now internationally   recognized   brands of Qatar Airways and Al Jazeera, and its successful bid to host the 2022 FIFA World Cup. Recognizing that the participation of non-Qatari investors is an integral part of the successful realization of this policy, Qatar continues to implement new legislation aimed at liberalizing the business environment for such investors, and introducing incentives and exemptions that supplements the country’s already considerable investment appeal.

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Gunnar Ármannsson


Gunnar Ármannsson
Gunnar Ármannsson


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